Become the Scrum Master Your Team Needs

A Scrum master plays a crucial role in the implementation of Scrum on software development projects. Click here for the Challenges faced by a Scrum Master A Scrum master is like a leg in the tripod of the Scrum team, with the other two being the product owner and the development team. The relationship of the product owner with the business representative is balanced out by the Scrum master’s relationship with the development team. The role of the Scrum master is to support the team in becoming self-organized, to remove any obstacles the team might be facing and to ensure that the Scrum methodology is being followed. However, unlike the product owner, the Scrum master does not play a management or supervisory role for the team. The first step to being an effective Scrum master is to understand the principles of Scrum extremely well. As a part of this, a Scrum master should be well aware of what Scrum can and cannot achieve. A Scrum master must ensure that daily Scrum meetings are held and other important processes of Scrum are followed and that the team does not veer off course. It is important that a Scrum master knows how to … Continue reading Become the Scrum Master Your Team Needs