Throughout a Scrum project, it is very important to ensure that intended benefits are being realized as originally planned. Strong benefit realization planning and appropriate verification techniques are required to confirm that the project deliverables with benefits and value are being created by the Scrum team members. This ensures full utilization of project resources. Prototype demonstration and functionality simulation are some of the techniques for confirming benefits and value.
A benefit realization plan helps to forecast contribution of individual project to the overall programme. The plan should be an integral part of any project from start to end. Benefit Realization plan helps to track the sustenance of intended benefits even after the end of a Scrum project.
First step towards benefit realization plan is to identify the intended benefits, stakeholders and the outcomes required followed by measurement of realized benefit, allocation of delivery responsibility, prioritization and identification of delivery dates. Prioritization helps to focus on the benefits with more impact.
Revisiting the Benefit Realization plan at predetermined review points helps the team members to decide whether the changes incorporated are still providing the intended benefits. If the answer is no, then the team should take corrective measures. Consensus of team members and their involvement towards the same output will help the team to move ahead in realizing the desired benefit.
A project manager is responsible for helping the customer gain the desired business benefits. However, the truth is that many successful projects have failed to deliver the desired benefits as planned. Working closely with customers can more clearly determine whether the features are adequate and it helps to make sure that the product gets embedded in the organization. Customers might realize the need for additional features; therefore, the development team should be able to accommodate such changes during product development. Meeting customer expectations and interpreting their requirements are key criteria in realizing benefits. It helps to gain more support from customers and stakeholders.
Some of the techniques and methodologies to confirm benefit realizations are carrying out visual presentation, demonstration of prototypes, workshops and training, arranging product release or launches, accommodating change and being creative in finding problem solutions. Change during such approaches must be sustained even after the end and it leads to realize desired benefits. After delivery of every successful project it is very important to ensure that the product or service that was delivered is used or implemented in the organization.
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