The daily Stand-up or Scrum meeting is a daily meeting which provides status update to all the team members. Every member focuses on answering three statements:
- Task Completed
- Task to be done
- Road Blocks
It’s very powerful tool and it keeps the project moving in the planned direction. If team does not follow the Rule of the stand-up meeting it can easily become one of those unfruitful meeting, which we have because we have to have one.
To help you maximize the results of the daily scrums meeting, here are some suggestions:
- Physically stand: That is the reason this meeting is called the standup meeting. Physically Standing helps people to focus for these small and high-energy meetings.
- Standing around task board: visually pointing at the user stories that are being talked about is more powerful and interesting than just telling them verbally.
- Time-boxing Technique: Very important and a Must to do. Once meetings start taking longer time team members are bound to lose interest. This will not add any value to the meeting
- Start and end meeting on time: Always start and end meeting on time even if someone including Scrum Master is late. Likewise always end the meeting on time.
- No distractions: All the team member should at all the time have full attention on the meeting. The Stand-up meeting time is reserved for only Stand-Up meeting. No Emails no Coding and No phones…This will help the meeting to stay short and on time. It also shows that you are giving attention to your team member and working as team.
- It’s not a technical meeting: No technical problems are supposed to be discussed here. Everything apart from above mentioned 3 questions should be avoided.
- Keep everyone engaged: Human nature to get bored easily, especially if they are doing repetitive things. Try to make the Scrum meeting little spicy by way of some uncertainty.
- Not a status update meeting: Stop attending if it becomes a status update meeting. You time more valuable if spent on development and coding.
- Acknowledge your teams’ contribution: Whenever someone helps you, acknowledge it. It builds the rapport with in the team.
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